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Trace elenets assay kits.
Traceelements Iron colorimetric assay kit Traceelements Iron colorimetric assay kit Traceelements Iron colorimetric assay kit
Easy to use. For cell lysates, serum, plasma and wide variety of biological samples.
[ Product Description ]
Pre-preatment free!
Species independent!
No toxic substance!
Applicable to microplate reader!

Iron is a mineral which binds many proteins and enzymes, and plays important roles in living bodies. MC-Reagent Fe Assay Kit provides a simple and convenient tool for the determination of Ferrous and/or Ferric ion in a variety of biological samples such as cell lysates, tissue homogenates, serum, plasma, saliva, urine, tissue extract, plant extract, hair and food extract.
[ Performance ]
1. Sensitivity: O.D. at 200 µg/dL standard will be 0.08 - 0.25
2. Accuracy: ±10% of known concentration
3. Intra assay variation: C.V. is less than 5%
4. Assay range: 5 - 1,000 µg/dL
Not be affected by following substances.
1. Hemoglobin: up to 70 mg/dL
2. Bilirubin: up to 90 mg/dL
This assay will be interfered by EDTA.

Good liearity for full assay range

Good correlation with ICP

Easy to apply to tissue samples
[ Specifications ]
Principle: Ferrozine method (Colorimetric assay at 560nm)
Specifity: Specific to Fe2+ and Fe3+
Assay range: 5 - 1,000 µg/dL
Sample volume: 40 µL
Assay conditions: 10 minutes at room temperature (25 - 37 °C)
Applications: Serum, plasma, urine, saliva, cell lysate, tissue extract, plant extract, hair extract, food extract and water. Metal chelatos, for example EDTA may interfere with this assay.
Storage: 2 - 8°C (don't freeze).
Expiry: 1 year after the day of manufacturing.
Required but not provided: 96-well plate
Pipeting devices such as 8-channel (50-200 µL) micropipettor and tips
8 or 12-syncronous multichannel pipet and reagent tray for multichannel pipet.
Microtiter plate reader (measuring wavelength between 540 and 580nm. 560nm is recommended.)
[ Content of this kit ]
R-A Buffer (ready to use): 1 x 40 mL
R-R Chelate color (ready to use): 1 x1.6 mL
Iron standard 200 µg/dL (ready to use): 1 x 8 mL
[ References: Assay examples ]
1) Y Ikeda, S Tajima, YI-Ishizawa, Y Kihira, K Ishizawa, S Tomita, K Tsuchiya and T Tamaki:
Estrogen Regulates Hepcidin Expression via GPR30-BMP6-Dependent Signaling in Hepatocytes.
PLoS ONE 7(7),e40465(2012) doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0040465
2) Tsugawa H, Suzuki H, Matsuzaki J, Hirata K, Hibi T:
FecA1, a bacterial iron transporter, determines the survival of Helicobacter pylori in the stomach.
Free Radical Biology and Medicine 52(6),p1003-1010(2012) doi: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2011.12.011.
3) M Nakaya, M Tajima, H Kosako, T Nakaya, A Hashimoto, K Watari, H Nishihara, M Ohba, S Komiya, N Tani, M Nishida, H Taniguchi, Y Sato, M Matsumoto, M Tsuda, M Kuroda, K Inoue and H Kurose:
GRK6 deficiency in mice causes autoimmune disease due to impaired apoptotic cell clearance.
Nature Communications 4, 1532 (2013) doi:10.1038/ncomms2540
4) Y Ikeda, H Enomoto, S Tajima, YI Ishizawa, Y Kihira, K Ishizawa, S Tomita, K Tsuchiya, T Tamaki:
Dietary iron restriction inhibits progression of diabetic nephropathy in db/db mice.
American Journal of Physiology - RenalPhysiology 304:F1028-F1036(2013) DOI:10.1152/ajprenal.00473.2012
5) Y Ikeda, I Ozono, S Tajima, M Imao, Y Horinouchi, YI Ishizawa, Y Kihira, L Miyamoto, K Ishizawa, K Tsuchiya, T Tamaki:
Iron Chelation by Deferoxamine Prevents Renal Interstitial Fibrosis in Mice with Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction.
PLoS ONE 9(2), e89355(2014) doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0089355
Product name Catalog# Assay range Size Price
MC Reagent Fe Assay Kit (Ferrozine) CFE-005 5-1,000 µg/dL 100 tests US$330 / €254

Made in Japan.

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